The Heart is the Sun of Your Being

The Mental Game: Understanding the Struggles of Humanism

Being human is one of the most interesting experiences available to us as Souls. Many of us have chosen to come to Earth several times, despite having no memory of it. Some are even here for a final time as they achieve their final goals of expansion and become what is known as an Earth graduate. Regardless of where you’re at in your Earth journey as a Soul, there is no doubt that this planet offers a unique, one-of-a kind incarnation experience.

One of the most mind-blowing aspects of living on Earth is that the human experience is an extremely mental game. You choose to come here, and then you come and you completely forget…everything. You spend lifetimes processing, growing, learning, hurting and expanding so that over time you can fully remember who your Soul is, and how you got here to begin with. This is the purpose of Earth incarnations - a little (or long) journey of incarnating on a planet that causes you to forget yourself, just to see how long, and what kind of events will wake you up. This forgetfulness of who you truly are, is the mental game.

Waking up on Earth is something that in today’s age, is actually becoming quite common. We have the Great Awakening to thank for this. Many Souls who have incarnated during this time are Souls who have entered a realm of mastery after all their incarnations on Earth and even for those who have come for the first time (often the Rainbow Wave of Starseeds) have come with immense spiritual gifts, insight and awareness to the truths of this mental game.

This mental game has been an immense focus in the last few decades. Scientifically speaking, there is a huge emphasis on the role of the brain and the mind in the lives we live. We already know that we’re living in a matrix that is a direct reflection of our subconscious and collective beliefs, but the real advancements have been the studies of the mind and Soul relating to mental health - or, mental illness for that matter.

Where Western Medicine is so quick to say that everything comes from the brain and the mind, Eastern Medicine and Spiritualists who are deeply connected with their Soul recognize that everything has an energetic origin point - and energy is the Soul.

Only recently has the conversation surrounding gut, emotional baseline and energetic health become a focus of discussion when it comes to dis-ease and disorder, especially for ones of mood and mind.

A key component of energetic health that is also slowly being talked about are the chakras, and at a more focal point, the heart. Both the physical, beating heart sitting caged in the protection of your ribcage, but also your heart centre - your fourth chakra.

The Heart as Your Life Force

The fourth chakra (heart chakra) is the mid-point energy centre that connects your lower (physical-being) chakras, and your higher (spiritual-being) chakras. The heart acts as a bridge that connects these lower and higher dimensions permitting you a more clear understanding of yourself, the world, and the Universe as a whole. In this truth, it is arguably the most important chakra to have activated, and to be tuned into. And with that, comes the potential of the deepest levels of healing you can ever endure as a human being.

So what does that feel like?

Being tapped into your heart chakra will have you so deeply connected to love, unconditional, pure, rapturous love. You will feel love and compassion and empathy for all of creation, all people, all experiences, all the while maintaining healthy boundaries that protect you against toxicity, being used/walked all over and over giving. The heart centre will call you into a rhythm of perfect dance with the Universe.

When this energy centre is in a state of malfunction, you’re going to place conditions on love, towards your self and others. You might even find that you’re looking towards others to fill voids within yourself that you haven’t yet found a way to mend. You may even give to people because you believe this will guarantee their love and loyalty to you. All of these behaviours reflect a wounding the chakras beneath the heart that have disrupted the flow of energy to the heart, where it would become healed and transmuted into the highest level of love.

Because of the heart’s role with unconditional love, wisdom, and transmutation, is to be fairly considered the life force of our energetic being because unconditional love if the energetic code (or frequency) of the entire Universe. And just as physically, our heart beat is what keeps our brain operating, our blood flowing, and yes even our mind thinking, our energetic heart (4th chakra) is responsible for the distribution of energy throughout our energy bodies and spiritual being. The significance of the heart is proven through the beginning of our very own creation: it is why it is the first organ to be created when we are but a clump of cells growing within the womb of our mothers. The heart is our life force, yet it is the most neglected and undermined energy centre of the human being.

Humans have dominantly become mental-beings, a level of consciousness that is derived from the third energy centre (or dimension), known as the solar plexus. With our understanding that the heart is the life force, sitting in the 4th dimensional centre of our being, we could then understand that to be strictly mentally-focused beings would mean that we have not tapped into our life-force. In this essence, we may exist, but we are simultaneously deprived of life.

When we live as solely mental beings, we go completely…mental. We forget that there is more to experience, not just in life but within ourselves, that would bring us limitless experiences of expansion, perspective and intuitive wisdom that would otherwise go unnoticed. With the lack of expansion, as mentally-dominated beings, the fear of our own innate power, of our life force, has led us to become overly critical, having experiences of lack in all its forms, and feeling disconnected (or remaining disconnected) from the all-knowing intelligence of the Universe that quite literally lies within every cell of our being, thanks to the consciousness of our Soul.

And so brings the question: what does it mean to live a life that remains disconnected from our life-force centre?

When we assess the distribution of energy throughout the energetic being and into the auric bodies (the field of energy surrounding your physical body), we are able to define the roles that this energy has. This energy is our own consciousness, our Soul energy, and when it occupies the lower chakras (dimensions), we have a purely human understanding of life, the world, and ourselves. The energy bodies that are active in this state of being are: the etheric body, the emotional body and the mental body.

Oddly enough, we will often hear the mind of humanity say the we are the most intelligent species to exist, yet this belligerent expression of ego fails to recognize that the only thing separating us from being as conscious as an ape, or any other animal is one dimension of consciousness. Animals operate from their etheric and emotional bodies, meaning their consciousness is focused on survival (hence the food chain in the ecosystem) and emotions (this is why your pets love you so much)! They don’t identify as a sovereign or independent pieces of consciousness because they are connected and dependent on the earth, their pacts, (or you their pet parent), to experience their lives.

And so, through the recognition that we are not so far removed from our ape and Neanderthal ancestors, by having elevated to the third dimension of consciousness (the solar plexus chakra and mental body) we can begin to ask the question that, if of the seven energetic centres available to us as conscious human beings, that maybe, having only successfully tapped into three of them (collectively speaking) that we may not be the most intelligent forms of consciousness to exist. This limitation comes from the experience of being trapped in the mental body however, as our solar plexus and mental body (third dimension) is responsible for giving us an ego - an identity - we become wrapped up in how we identify, in the faculties of the mind, and thus the mental game is birthed, played and repeated.

As the mental game begins to intensify throughout later childhood and adolescence, many will experience life from the perspective of the purely physical world. They will do so by also neglecting the emotions they experience in their emotional body, as some emotions are not easily contained or logically understood by the mental body and are therefore often rendered either insignificant or burdensome. The result of the latter, to understandings of the emotional body, result in the most prevalent mood disorders known to humankind - depression and anxiety.

Depression is the repression of the emotional body, while anxiety is the overactivity for the need to survive. In cases of anxiety, the mind (mental body/solar plexus) becomes so obsessed with how figuring out how to survive (the etheric body/root) or wanting to logically comprehend the physical reality it experiences. Then, through the aforementioned neglect of emotions the consciousness of the second energy centre (the emotional body/ sacral) malfunctions which disrupts the flow of energy in emotional, mental and survival processes which ultimately lead to a depressed state of being. The mind alone cannot understand nor solve the problems it is trying to - the Soul is needed for that, and without connection to the heart, these answers and solutions are inaccessible.

What’s the Point of Life?

Bringing this further, this complete disconnection in the lower chakras causes for the misuse of the heart, because one does not have the emotional understanding to tap into an even higher level of emotional expression. We then deprive ourself of our life-force and repeat constant cycles of chaos, trauma, mental disruption and disorder and wind ourselves to the point of asking "what is the point in life if this is what I experience?" A question that is so often asked yet, within itself, is also the very answer.

What is the point of what you experience in these heightened states of survival and disconnection from your heart?

The point is that there is a lack of consciousness flowing in the lower chakras, which equally contributes to being unaware of the true nature of the Self. The human self is but a piece of the cosmic puzzle that is our energy centres and our multi-dimensional existence.

So where do we go from here?

How to Heal Yourself & Reconnect to Your Soul

The desire to release oneself from the battle of survival and lack of clarity is the desire to reconnect to ones higher-dimensional essence - their life force.

Reconnecting to the life force means to allow the self to first reconnect to the emotional body and allow the exploration and understanding of how and why the emotional body became a burden or an insignificant part of one’s life experience. Were the emotions not nurtured as a child? Did the person experience such heightened emotions they didn’t know how to regulate and therefore felt it to be easier to not feel? To understand when the mental body began to view emotions as something it couldn’t comprehend or accept, we have to go back to childhood and see how the person was emotionally programmed.

From there we move into the need for acceptance. Acceptance of emotions comprises of two key factors: the first being that you can acknowledge and understand why you may be feeling the emotions you’re feeling; the second being that despite logically understanding why you feel the way you do, does not mean you shouldn’t or won’t feel the emotions any longer.

Awareness and understanding of the emotion is the first step, and it calls you into a stillness, to sit in the centre of your heart and understand the feelings that have been circling through your subconscious until this moment. Sitting in the heart with these feelings will enter you into a slow dance with your higher self, where you will then begin to process and feel through these emotions. The expression and release of these emotions are going to be what catalyze and reconnect you to your life force energy, because that expression is going to move the consciousness of this emotion right from your emotional body (second chakra) all the way up and through your heart so that it may be transmuted and brought back to a place of love and healing.

Through this process one will begin to reconnect to their higher dimensional energy centres, which will provide further insight to who they are not just as a human, but as a Soul or consciousness. Ultimately, this reconnection to the life force will bring the person their highest level of healing (through consistency and repetition) and will move their consciousness to operate out of their fifth dimensional centre (throat chakra) where they will experience a depth of their own truth and feel divinely inspired to live in their authentic self expression.

In other words, the heart, is like the Sun, it is the life force energy of energetic selves, it is the light that allows us the opportunity to expand out of egotistical illusions and allows to experience the true beauty of our own potential and the power that is the unconditionally loving source of the Universe.

If you’d like to begin healing your emotional body and reconnecting to your emotional centre you can get my inner child meditation free here and my heart chakra healing frequency free here.

Maddie B.

Founder of Madds Mess Soul Healing


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