A Happy Human™

the 9-week spiritual coaching course become the happiest, healthiest, dreamiest version of you

It’s time to let go of the belief that you can’t have ‘it’. You can have everything you want. I’m here to show you how.

Does this sound like you?

  • you struggle with taking action towards your goals because you’re afraid of failing

  • you feel lost and lack clarity about what your life’s purpose is

  • you don’t believe in yourself and have negative self talk

  • you feel unhappy with your life and can’t seem to get a grip amidst the chaos

After your 9 weeks in A Happy Human™ you're going to feel…

  • Empowered and clear in who you are and what your life’s purpose is

  • Confident in your action plan and taking steps towards your goals

  • A deep sense of understanding and trust in your intuition

  • In love with yourself & the life you’re living

What You Get

(besides an epic life transformation)

9-weeks of Coaching

A spiritually in-tune yet science-backed methodology that transforms your beliefs & self perception from doubtful and confused to confident and clear.


Real change takes place in your subconscious mind. That’s why every week is paired with a custom Hypnotherapy session to rewire your brain to your new reality in real time.

Monthly Calls

A monthly group coaching call with Madds, the creator of A Happy Human™ and the other students who are doing this course alongside you.

Audio Files

Additional meditation & binaural frequencies to further support rewiring your brain to your new reality & mindset.


An exclusive group chat with A Happy Human™ students & Madds for daily support, encourage and weekly goal-setting.

Course Updates

All future course updates — Life evolves and so does A Happy Human™.  A Happy Human™ is proud to be a repeatable course with lifetime access & evolution.

Total Value: $7,000+ CAD


Payment in full

$1499.00 CAD+

  • + applicable taxes  

Payment plan

3x $499.00 CAD+

  • + applicable taxes  

is for you if…

  • You want to live a more fulfilling life and are looking for clarity on what that looks like for you

  • You feel disconnected from yourself and wish to understand yourself more deeply

  • You’re struggling with confidence, have a negative self-perception and find yourself often wondering how to create a better, happier life for yourself

  • Your triggers are overwhelming you and you’re not sure how to heal them

  • You’ve want effective life-coaching without the premium price tag

 isn’t for you if…

  • You don't want to take 100% responsibility for your life

  • You're not ready to put the work in and be honest with yourself 

  • You dislike self-reflection and do not wish to learn about the power you have to manifest the life of your dreams

  • You're already living your dream life and feel clear and confident about taking it to the next level 

  • You're looking for a customized 1:1 program with weekly support and accountability from a coach


  • I finished the course a couple of weeks ago and since then it’s felt like I’ve been going about my life with a weight off my shoulders. I was working through a “not good enough” limiting belief with high-achieving, type A parents and grandparents.

    I was able to give myself the permission and grace to not be “perfect”. That I am more than enough despite what the physical world may or may not show. I spoke with my ego and inner child and let them know that I am grateful for them and how they handled our growing up so well. But now I, as our higher self, will be there to protect and become the man we’ve always wanted to become.

    This has led me on a journey to building trust with my ego and myself. So I’ve been really trying to practice self-love and self-compassion whenever possible. Treating myself as a best friend or my future son(s).

    I’m going to go through again starting this week to work through any limiting beliefs I’m harboring with my my body and food

    I realized there’s no such thing as a wrong decision when listening to my intuition. Because of this newfound confidence in myself and decisions I make, I’ve been getting downloads from The Universe with an understanding that they’re meant for me.

    Without the belief that I’m not or won’t be good enough, I’m able to dream big again like I was when I was a kid. Now it feels like I’m co-creating with The Universe and finally starting to get out of my own way.

  • I feel so grateful for Madds and the A Happy Human course! Before starting the course, I already had a fairly regular and deep self-reflection practice, and I might have said I “knew” what my ego’s and inner child’s needs were. Even so, I had serious breakthroughs in Madds’ course! Madds really created this beautiful space for me to dive deeper with my existing practice and to actually feel and process all these things I was holding in. I had been intellectualizing everything, so I understood what I was feeling, but I wasn’t fully feeling it. I truly connected to my ego and inner child throughout these 9 weeks, and I can honestly say that nurturing these relationships has helped me be less critical of myself, trust myself and my own path more, and be more decisive for both big and small things (something I’ve struggled with my whole life!).

    While going through the course, I nailed a job interview, ran two workshops, grew my email subscriber list, and made sales in my business - all without the anxiety and self-doubt that has held me back in the past.

    I know there’s more to process and there will be more layers to peel back, and knowing I have the course and Madds’ POWERFUL Hourglass meditations is the best. Thank you Madds! <3

  • Before A Happy Human I was feeling a bit loss with who I was. I would constantly ask myself what is the purpose of life? What exactly do I want out of this life? I found days were constantly going by: Sleep/Weed/Work repeat. I wanted more for myself, but did not know how or where to start. I first attended Madds Free Workshop of Releasing your Limiting Beliefs on June 3 2023 where she informed everyone about her new A Happy Human Course. The information and interactions of the Limiting Beliefs call was the steps I needed to get my life and self in the right direction.

    I am currently 90 days sober and three months into A Happy Human. Though I have not completed the course yet, the lessons and meditations have helped me work on myself and motivated me to take the time on my own timeline to do what I want and love to get my life in the right direction of being A Happy Human.

    The group coaching calls and chats are a plus to keeping yourself accountable and on track. Also having the support from Madds weather I be directly or indirectly through Social Media is what gets me through the Human Experiences I am having – showing it is ok to have these experiences and guiding me on how to work through them. I’m excited to continue the course lessons and the success of my personal goals.

  • Before starting the course I set my intention to change my relationship with how I integrate freedom in my life. I had this desire for more freedom. Through the course I got to revisit times in my life where this was a struggle and why I felt it would still be a struggle today. The most transformational part was in the middle of the course when I took inventory on HOW I was making decisions and the deep beliefs that came with that. My how and why of making decisions changed … when I found out I could make decisions in my life that would guide me to freedom… THAT was freeing in itself and things shifted. I now don’t believe I am limited in having freedom in many ways in my life and that I can co create that no matter what my external situation is.

    I don’t feel as scared in making decisions now because I believe if needed to shift they can. For ex: looking to quit my job and go full time with my business , Feeling too scared because it seems like it won’t be secure, However, current job I have I came to when I left an unsuitable other job, The last job I tech made more but I knew I had to leave, I started off at lower wage but got a few raises and more benefits and better work environment even though that’s not what was offered at the start. Now I feel more confident that I can lean into my business with a more confident energy because I’m creating it and I wouldn’t go full time if I felt it wouldn’t be successful.

Enrol Today

Payment in full

$1499.00 CAD+

  • + applicable taxes  

Payment plan

3x $499.00 CAD+

  • + applicable taxes  


  • Right away! This is a completely self-paced course that allows you to experience your transformation as quickly or as slowly as feels right for you!

  • As soon as you sign up you will get instant and lifetime access to A Happy Human™ where you'll find all the video lessons, workbooks, tools, bonuses, community and accountability you need to experience the transformation of a lifetime! You'll also get access to 12 monthly coaching calls and any extra content that gets added to the program throughout this lifetime.

  • Wanna fall in love forever? You'll have access to A Happy Human™ and all future updates of the course and bonuses for the rest of your life!

  • Yes, we do! A Happy Human™ was designed to make the tools needed for inner and outer transformation (and the creation of your dream life) accessible to anyone who is ready to invest in themselves and say F*** Yes! to living the life of their dreams. You can check out our payment plans here.

  • This is entirely up to you and the pace in which you want to experience your transformation. My recommendation would be to set aside 1 hour to watch the lesson and go through the guided exercises and then an additional 2-3 hours in the week to complete the worksheets, journal prompts and meditations.

  • The program was designed to bring you through a total transformation in 9 weeks — the numerology of completion (hehe). But you can get through it in a slower pace if that suits your lifestyle balance!

  • A Happy Human™ is PERFECT if you're new to personal development, spirituality and/or manifestation. The lessons in this course are designed to be digestible by both beginner and advanced individuals in these areas of life. The bonus content for manifestation will also help you deep dive the topic of manifestation at the end of the course if you find yourself wanting to dive into the details!

  • The majority of my clients who come to work with me have never meditated or journaled a day in their life and they always leave my programs wondering how they got by without it!

    The meditations are designed in a way that make the process feel achievable. And if you fall asleep in your meditations, that's okay — it'll just affect your subconscious mind more than your conscious mind! Plus, the majority of the meditations in AHH™ are subliminal which means you don't have to consciously do anything other than put it on and listen!

    The journal prompts will start light, allowing you to deepen your connection with your conscious mind first. Once you get to the lessons about your subconscious mind, the prompts will become increasingly more thought provoked. If you ever get stuck on a prompt, DM the community in the group chat and we'll help you out!

  • No! Despite the spiritual nature of being a psychic-medium, I've always been someone who needs to see evidence of any particular methodology. I've designed AHH™ through various fields of study in psychology as well as science-backed methods relating to neuroscience, neuroplasticity and quantum physics.

    Basically what I'm saying is you don't have to love the woo-woo to join in on the fun of AHH™, and if you're a geeky science nerd like me, you'll love this course just as much!

  • Absolutely not! I think there's a misconception when people hear "dream life" they think business-owner, spiritual service provider, healer etc. But these aren't what qualify someone living their dream life.

    Your dream life is completely unique to you and what you desire to experience in this lifetime. I have an equal number of clients who have graduated from my programs who have gone on to start their own businesses as I have clients who have been able to climb the corporate ladder and achieve the role of their dreams within that structure.

    It's all about what you want baby baby!

  • This course is for you if you're tired of living in a mind that beats you up and a life that feels limiting. If you want to tap into your potential, create success and become the happiest, dreamiest version of you, then A Happy Human™ is where you're meant to be!