I'm Madds, the founder and owner of MaddsMess Soul Healing.

I started MaddsMess after completely turning my life around from an absolute utter mess to finding my purpose and creating the life of my dreams.

Here at MaddsMess my coaching programs and courses will guide you through the complete transformation of your life. From mindset reprogramming, to actionable systems that transform your everyday life and connect you with your intuition, you'll have all the tools to become the best version of yourself, expand your potential and live your dream life. 

My approach and methodology are unique, given that I've been a psychic-medium my entire life. My expertise in my mediumship is specified in Soul Contracts which identifies why you incarnated on the planet, the challenges you might experience and what your natural gifts and talents are. I also teach about quantum physics and neuroscience that helps give a well-rounded understanding of the energetic mechanics of your incarnation, the power of your subconscious mind as it relates to manifestation, and how to align yourself with your Soul's purpose in this lifetime. 

Everything we do here at MaddsMess is geared toward reconnecting you to your highest self, and giving you the clarity and tools you need to live an intentional and purposeful life. Take it from me, in 2019 I was homeless and had no more than $20.00 a month for food, and through following my own Soul’s purpose I quickly transformed my life and now guide others through the same process, to change theirs.

Get to know more of my story by reading my blog here or listening to my podcast episode here


My mediumship has been a lifelong ability of mine, with my first channeling experiences occurring when I was a toddler and young child that developed further into adulthood. I began to explore my field of expertise in Soul Contracts four years ago, which has been my Soul’s focus both on Earth and the Spirit side since long before my present incarnation. I also have the additional ability of remembering my past lives and what life was/is like on the Spirit-side between incarnations. Since beginning my career, I’ve channeled for over 500 individuals with precise accuracy and validity. 

3 habits that changed my life

I meditate at least once a day, and always in the morning to prime my RAS (Reticular Activating System) for success, abundance and happiness. And trust me, the days I don't - I am a moody moody human.

I run 10km several times a week to help clear my mind and dump excess cortisol out of my system. Ultimately this helps me curb my anxiety and prove to myself that I can do hard things (like running my first half marathon - pictured).

I swapped TV series for book series in 2023 to live a more intentional life and I have noticed so many improvements such as: increased attention span, more presence in my daily life, and a surge in creativity.

Learn more about the offerings I have to help you become the happiest version of yourself