Does this sound like you? 

  • You've been repeating the same negative patterns/cycles/experiences and aren't sure why (ie. dating people who "need fixing," constantly losing money, constantly self-sabotaging good experiences/opportunities/connections etc) 

  • You have a poor mindset that leads you to believe you're stuck in your current circumstances and have no way out 

  • You feel a constant sense of disharmony in multiple areas of life due to unresolved past traumas 

  • You have memories of past experiences that didn't occur in this life but you aren't sure what they mean

  • You have a recurring limiting belief or constant intrusive thought that you have struggled to release despite consciously knowing it isn't true

  • You wish to know more about the karma you're releasing and earning this life (good & 'bad')

At the end of this…

  • You'll feel clear on what your negative (karmic) cycles are, where they come from and how to release them 

  • You'll have a refreshed mindset through a deeper understanding of your current life circumstances 

  • You'll experience a reconnection of self that leads to a state of safety, security and autonomy in all areas of your life

  • You'll feel relief knowing how to reprogram your subconscious mind to release any limiting beliefs and intrusive thoughts that come from past life experiences/traumas 

  • You'll feel comfortable with the concept of karma and how it affects your life and personal experiences


after the Past Life Reading…

  • You'll know exactly what karmic cycles and lessons you're clearing in this life and what karmic reward is coming into your experience

  • You'll discover details of up to 3 of your past lives (gender, location, economic status, relationships, and the impact it has on your current lifetime etc)

  • You'll understand the laws of karma and how to generate more positive karma and release any unwanted karmic debts 

  • You'll have a stronger connection with your Soul/the Divine/Universe through the awareness that life exists beyond this one incarnation 

  • You'll find it easier to manifest expansive opportunities into your life and maintain a steady path of expansion

This is for you if…

  • You wish to discover (up to 3) of your past lives 

  • You want to understand more how past lives affect your current incarnation 

  • You desire clarity on what karma is and how it's affecting your life and personal experiences 

  • You need clarity to release unwanted, negative cycles/patterns/experiences that keep repeating 

  • You would like to clear space in your energy (quantum field) to attract more expansive opportunities into your life 

This isn’t for you if…

  • You remember your past lives and understand how they affect your present incarnation 

  • You do not wish to remember or understand your past lives 

  • You have cleared all your karma and negative patterns/cycles 

  • You understand the laws of karma and feel comfortable with the current balance of your karmic scales 

  • You are effortlessly manifesting and sustainable new, expansive opportunities and experiences in your life

how it works

  • This is a mediumship reading of your Soul's prior incarnation contracts, in where I will be able to analyze very specific aspects in your Soul’s history that depict the circumstances of your past life experiences, karma and traumas. I will additionally be able to intuit the gender, location, and finer details of the past lives that are presently affecting your life. You will receive information on what unresolved lessons (karmic cycles) you chose to carry into this life to release and clear, as well as the tools and next steps to do so. You will also learn about who you were in these past lives, the systems and relationships that impacted you most, and what your Soul needs you to know about the impact these lives have had on your present incarnation (positive & negative). 

  • These readings are live and a recording will be sent to you 24hours after our meeting.

  • I am also available via email for any and all questions or need for clarity regarding the information received in your Past Life Reading.

Are you ready to manifest expansive opportunities into your life?