Does this sound like you? 

  • You're feeling a lack of clarity about your life's purpose

  • You're curious about why you incarnated and what your Soul set out to experience in this life 

  • You're looking to discover what your ideal career path is and how to attain it 

  • You want to know why you've experienced certain adversities and how to heal from them 

  • You're ready to learn more about how you can create your dream life but aren't ready for 1:1 coaching

But you want to feel...

  • Clear on why you incarnated and the purpose you've set out to accomplish 

  • More connected to your higher self and your intuition 

  • Empowered to take the next steps that align you to your dream life 

  • More healed and at peace with any negatives experiences you've had 

  • Ready to step into your Soul's Purpose with actionable steps to help ensure your success


after the Soul Contract Reading…

  • Full understanding of your Soul's incarnation for this lifetime 

  • Learn how to create effective and sustainable routines and lifestyle habits according to your Soul's energetic template 

  • Discover more about your ideal career and how to take steps to attain it 

  • Tap into your Soul's natural talents and abilities to assist you in the pursuit of your desires

  • Specific tools for you to implement immediately to navigate out of stagnancy, confusion and lack and into expansion, clarity and abundance

This is for you if…

  • You desire more clarity on your life's purpose

  • You are looking for immediate next steps in your life, career and the pursuit of your life goals 

  • You wish to know more about who your Soul is why they designed specific experiences (and adversities) for this lifetime 

  • You need tools to heal from past pains so that you can pull the wisdom from them and move forward in life 

  • You're looking for clarity and know you'll hold yourself accountable enacting the tools and changes necessary to expand into your potential

This isn’t for you if…

  • You are looking for long-term support and guidance through the pursuit of your life goals 

  • You do not wish to know why your Soul incarnated on Earth 

  • You do not question the meaning of your life or the experiences you've had 

  • You have the tools to expand into your Soul's purpose 

  • You have clarity on where you're headed in life and have already released feelings of stagnancy

how it works

  • This is a mediumship reading of your Soul's present-life contract, in where I will be able to analyze all the experiences you set out to have in this lifetime. This reading covers all areas of your life from core personality, self expression, habits/interests, life purpose, ideal career, lifestyle, friends, family, spouse/children and so much more. 

  • These readings are live and a recording will be sent to you 24hours after our meeting.

  • I am available via email for any and all questions or need for clarity regarding the information received in your Soul Contract Reading.


  • I don’t even know where to begin, honestly. I’m in complete awe from this Soul Contract reading. The astounding ability Madds has to channel this information-all the while break it down in a way that feels like you're literally sitting around with your best friend drinking tea or coffee and talking about life, and what it means truly amazes me to my CORE. The fact that she is able to make you feel so comfortable and at ease while at the same time explaining your soul purpose makes the experience so peaceful and enjoyable. She was so spot on with things that I have not thought about or spoken about in so many years. I’m changed because of this reading in the best way possible. This reading was the love letter my inner child needed to hear, the deep breaths my ego needed to take to calm down, and the hallelujah chorus my higher self heard because Madds was delivering her long awaited messages to me. In the world we live in today it’s very easy to get caught up in the bad and the darkness. It’s easy to focus on the bad days instead of the good. Madds is breaking down those limits EVERY SINGLE DAY. She is good. She is the reason why I continue to keep on my self discovery journey. She is the impact the world needs to ascend. No words will ever be able to explain my gratitude for her light, her wise wisdom, her advice and reassurance, and the collective she has built from the ground up. My cup runneth over. Thank you so much.

    — Tylar C.

  • First of all - thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to do this reading for me. I feel so lucky to have had you be the one to read my chart and go through this process with me. I’m so, so freaking grateful!! I knew my first house was going to mean something, but I had no idea what! There is so much in there! It makes sense given some of my interests and I’m so happy to have it all laid out for me so beautifully!

    — Lara

  • I just finished listening to my soul contract reading you uploaded for me - and OMG that gave me so much clarity and feels like it just came to me at the very perfect timing! Thank you very very very much for all the insights you gave me - especially the uplifting words towards helping and leading people as I already had the intuitive feeling about this purpose but you speaking it out was just pure satisfaction for me haha!

    — Julia H.

  • First of all, THANK YOU so much for this incredible reading. I’ve been sooo excited to receive this and it 100% lived up to my expectations. Everything you said was very spot-on and fully resonated with me. I definitely understand the overall need to heal my core self and figure out how to fully express my true self—not the version of me that I think is expected of me. When you spoke about the 4th house and how it relates to childhood, could childhood include my teenage years? I don’t fully resonate with the idea of instability or moving around a lot when I was a child, but things did become extremely unstable and toxic when my parents divorced when I was 14. I was forced to take on a parental role and be “the glue” as my family fell apart. I wonder if that’s what my 4th house is referring to? You were also totally right about my temper. I do find that I can irrationally lash out at my loved ones—in most cases, my partner, Brendan, whom I’ve been with for almost 10 years. This is what I consider to be one of my biggest flaws/personal challenges, and I definitely want to find ways to express my emotions in a more positive, balanced way rather than exploding.

    — Megan F

  • I had my first ever soul contract reading and I am so so SO glad Madds was the one to read it for me. I never had my natal chart examined before but she made it so easy to understand. I love how it covered many areas of my life. I have had a lot of challenges in regards to family planning in the past and she even took that information and further explained it. I can’t wait to get one done for my daughter. Thank you SO much Madds :)

    — Kristina G.

  • Thank you for that spot on with my personality head who I am as a person. I couldn't put into words myself but you nailed it on the head. I just know that everything that I'm doing supposed to be done including stumbling upon your podcast, finding you on Instagram and leading up to this point of getting this magnificent reading from you and I appreciate you and I appreciate what you do. I want to thank you for what you do. I truly appreciate you.

    — George M.

  • Wow wow woooow I think I love you.

    I just want to start off by saying thank you…  and you were spot on about 99% of everything in my soul contract reading.  I haven’t listened to my past life reading yet but I am so excited to get into that on ….  

    — Victoria W.

  • Wow I am really just fully in awe of the reading. I’ve actually done a few before but none of them were so accurate like this one. 

    I know my chart pretty well, so some of the things I already knew but it has never been translated for me as in what I can do with it. 

    It is such a relief to hear from you that I am exactly where I’m supposed to be because I always have that fear that I should be somewhere else. This reading couldn’t come at a better time. It just shows me that I’m on the right way. I also have been having true awakenings this year.

    — Valentina W.

  • I truly cannot thank you enough for your reading. As I sit here digesting it – it really made me “feel all the feels”. There were points during your reading that were so spot on I just started crying and then parts when I was laughing and in complete agreement with what you were saying. What a gift this reading was. A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

    All together such a wonderful reading and a privilege to have the opportunity to listen to your messages. Thank you so very much.

    — Erica P.

Ready to step into your Soul's Purpose?