What is Consciousness?

Read time: 7mins

When many people think about Source or the Divine, they think of a man with a white beard they call God; and although anyone can view Source in a way that makes sense for them, the personification of Source isn’t accurate.

Simply put, the Universe (multiverse technically), and everything within it, is the work of divine intelligence. This divine intelligence or Source, is consciousness. Consciousness is a state of awareness of self and of our surroundings. The voice you have in your head as you read this, is your consciousness. It is the voice of your Soul, your individual stream of consciousness - it is what makes you inherently a child of God, or God in the flesh. You are consciousness, consciousness is also everywhere around you.

The existence of consciousness has intrigued many schools of thought in psychology as well as neuroscience and, so far, humanity has collectively come to the understanding that our consciousness has evolved from less sophisticated forms throughout hundreds of millions of years. However, the origin of consciousness has been debated at length for centuries, from the Big Bang theory to the God theory in different religions, without consensus. It is important to understand that although consciousness and intelligence are related, they are not the same. Our consciousness is simply the awareness of our own existence and it goes beyond the form of this human condition, and it does give us the ability to evolve and expand it (ourselves) at great length.

The levels of consciousness are referred to as dimensions. These dimensions exist both vertically and horizontally, where vertical dimensions are your own personal state of consciousness (and the levels you’ve ascended to) and the horizontal dimension is the one you experience, which in the Earth plane is the 3D or third dimension. When you expand your own (vertical) consciousness during your awakening, you will essentially be moving up a “level” in your awareness of not only yourself, but of the world around you, and the Earth’s place in the galaxy.

Think of awakening your consciousness similarly to Russian dolls, there’s multiple sized dolls all encompassed in one larger doll that you see on the exterior. The exterior of the russian doll would be equivalent to your most natural Soul form, the highest dimension you’ve ever incarnated in. The dolls within that exterior one would be the lower dimensions, with the smallest doll at the center being your first dimensional self, which you graduate from once you are physically birthed into the world.

When a Soul desires to ascend its consciousness (which is its innate goal) in the human condition, it goes through a process known as a kundalini awakening. This process allows for the conscious human mind (3D self) to connect with its greater (or higher) consciousness self, known as its Soul. The human mind is the third dimensional expression of the Soul’s consciousness, and ascending to and tapping into the higher self, is simply accessing the self in these higher dimensions often in the fifth, sixth or seventh dimensions. The dimension in which you access will be predetermined by what your Soul planned to experience in this lifetime as well as how far your Soul has ascended outside of the human experience.

For human beings, we have the capability of expanding our consciousness as far as the seventh dimension whilst in a human body, since we have seven chakras. However, that is not to be confused with how far one’s Soul has evolved itself beyond that of the physical human body. There are many thought leaders and spiritual guides who have ascended beyond the 7th dimension as a Soul, however those higher dimensions will only be accessible to them in fragments whilst in the human condition, given the fact that the dimensions beyond the seventh are that of the Soul in its whole form - when both Yin and Yang are one being, rather than split into Twin Flames on the Earth or with one half on Earth and the other in Ether.

As it pertains to humanism, our minds in this experience will naturally, before any awakening journey, include three dimensions of consciousness: survival, feeling and identity. Respectively the first, second and third vertical dimensions; these dimensions operate out of the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras of our (energy) bodies.

The sad reality is that human beings have had their higher consciousness suppressed for so long (multiple millennia) that they’ve evolved to be closed off to the higher dimensions of their own selves (their Souls) through the closing of their heart center - the fourth dimensional bridge.

Because of this, humans have predominantly remained in third-dimensional consciousness which is referred to as egoic consciousness. Living in 3D consciousness means that we’ve been living out of our solar plexus, the energy center attributed to: sense of self, self-worth, competence, and empowerment. It sounds beautiful, and to a degree it is. Everyone should feel these things, the problem is that when this energy is our dominant energy it operates in distortion. It impedes the connection to the heart-center (living in full unconditional love) and it wrecks havoc through a need for power and control at all costs. This means that a person will want to control (or have the illusion of control) over their lives and sometimes even the people around them. This might cause them to limit themselves, as a distorted solar plexus is filled with limiting beliefs that fear taking risks, the unknown and cause a level of distrust in the unfolding of one’s life. This is because as one of the lower three chakras, the solar plexus is associated with survival instincts, allowing it to flow out of alignment very quickly, especially when our lives feel endangered or inconsistent.

Society has molded itself around the distortion of the solar plexus, leading to the very systematic life process that includes schooling, more schooling, a 9-5 job (make sure you get the benefits too), two days off a week, limitations on income and wealth and little to no room or energy for creative freedom. It has also created an inner-system that causes people to seek external validation and approval about their lives and the decisions they make for themselves, causing them to often neglect their heart’s true desires. The result of these over-emphasized third-dimensional systems is depression, anxiety, increasing suicide rates, little to no financial literacy, and substance abuse disorders (to cope with the drain/burn out of the 5-day work week).

There is no doubt that these systems are in place to serve society and a very specific group of elite members of the society, but it doesn’t serve us as the individuals we are. This is our life experience, our incarnation, yet we submit the control we have over our lives to systems that drain us and have little to no true benefit to our growth or our fulfillment. That is why there is an influx of individuals who are breaking free of this mold, expanding their consciousness to the 5th dimension (or higher) and are living their lives according to their heart’s desire.

This collective awakening has been foreseen by many of our ancient civilizations and is being supported by higher beings and the Divine so that Earth, and humanity, may see their liberation out of a slave-like system and begin fulfilling their Soul’s purpose and desire whilst having an Earth incarnation. So if you’ve been wondering how to get yourself out of this daunting system, reclaim your life and take your power back so you can live a life filled with love, excitement and freedom, then what you’re looking for is to expand your consciousness and have your spiritual/kundalini awakening.

To understand your Soul’s purpose & begin the process of your awakening, it’s helpful to learn about your Soul Contract. You can get more details on that here.

Maddie B.

Founder of Madds Mess Soul Healing


The Heart is the Sun of Your Being