How to Hear & Trust Your Intuition

We’ve all had those moments where our guts have screamed to get away from someone before we knew why, or our hearts have fluttered at a stranger we just seem to recognize. More so, most people have experienced an innate feeling, a calling, that there’s more to their life than meets the eye. They felt called to change up their life path, to defy societal standards and do something differently. The commonality between all these experiences, these universal nudges, is that they all come from one place — intuition.

The innate communication mechanism of the Soul is intuition. Often speaking through the body, an emotional feeling, and for some, through informational downloads that come in as quickly as the speed of light. As Spiritual Beings in human bodies, we are all tapped into this communication system, to one degree or another. The problem is that so many people have spent their lives ignoring this internal compass rather than developing it.

This is foreign to me, not only as someone who has been spiritually connected her entire life, but just as a human, who recognizes that communication is the one of the first things we develop as growing children. Yet, despite this truth, developing our own internal communication system with our very own Soul is not something that is wildly known in Western society, nor is it encouraged to be developed.

Awareness of how (and why) humans have been led to complete inner disconnection is helpful to lay a foundational understanding of what has been occurring to our species and the planet. However, for the purposes of developing your intuition, and learning how to hear it clearly, there is no productivity in focusing on the dark history of humanity’s spiritual oppression. Our time here is better spent teaching you how to hear and tap into your internal communication system with five simple questions: Who, Where, When, What, Why and How.

Who has intuition?

Everyone has intuition. Every human being walking this planet is a Soul who chose to come here to experience a very unique experience of incarnation.

Your Soul is the larger part of your essence, existing not only within you but within several other dimensions that you may not see or experience until your Spiritual Awakening. These dimensions of your higher self (Soul) are deeply connected to your auric bodies, or aura, that surrounds your physical body, which means at all times, both within your body and mind, and around you, you are connected to and surrounded by your Soul essence.

Where does intuition come from?

Your intuition comes from you, the Soul, who is temporarily occupying the human body you live in and identify as your current self.

As a Soul you are deeply connected to a network or team of other Souls, who are commonly referred to as your Spirit Guides or Spirit Team, and so sometimes you will receive these intuitive nudges from your Soul, other times from your team of Guides.

At its core, intuition is the Universal intelligence that lives within your Soul, and all Souls, that communicates with you and moves through you, regardless of the form you choose to take (aka human or Spirit form).

When does intuition come through?

There are many instances intuition can come through for you. For some, like spiritual energy healers, mediums and psychics, intuition never shuts off. This comes with both practice over many lifetimes as well as its own challenges whilst navigating the human experience.

Others will hear their intuition in moments of potential threat - we’ve all seen that one guy at the bar who might not be doing anything inherently wrong or weird but we all just know to stay away from him… Just to find out later in the week he did something horrible that night to someone.

It might also come through in moments where, as much as you want to make one decision, you feel deeply guided to make the opposite choice.

I remember when it came time for me to choose which university I wanted to go to in my senior year of high school. I wanted so badly to go to school across the country. I’d been accepted into the highest ranked school for my program with a small scholarship, and it was in a province I loved when I visited. Yet, something was telling me to go to the university that most people from my hometown go to. Sure, they were offering a better scholarship, but I really didn’t feel like it was going to be the best place for me. But, with this nudge, I decided to go anyways. Six months after arriving, I met my twin flame, through a mutual friend who I’d gone to high school with. This catalyzed my awakening, and ultimately allowed me the course of action that would lead me to what I do today — guide the collective awakening, write books and articles and own my own business.

The point here, is that sometimes intuition steers us in a direction to avoid a problem, to ensure a divine path is taken, and is almost always speaking to us to fulfil our deepest dreams and desires. Even though it doesn’t always make sense at first.

What does intuition sound like?

Intuition comes through in many ways, most often through the four different channels we refer to as mediumship clairs. You don’t have to be a medium to tap into or access these clairs, in fact, all mediumship refers to is the full activation of these energetic communication channels, but they are the very channels that all intuition comes through. And they are innate to all beings.



This is the type of intuition most people are familiar with - it’s the gut feeling, either in your lower or higher stomach, as well as in your heart.

When your intuition speaks through this clair, it might feel unsettling at first, and you might struggle with determining if it’s speaking positively or giving you a warning sign. So here’s how to tell the difference:

Firstly, it’s important to note that anxiety can also manifest in this centre, and anxiety is not intuition. To tell the difference, check out my post on the differences here.


This is that tingly feeling in the lower of your stomach, think, around your belly button. Usually this is the most common feeling that gets mixed up with anxiety. When this comes through it’s your body telling you that your nervous system is aroused by something. This can be positive or negative.

If it’s positive, you’re going to feel light energies surrounding the situation/person/experience. (Yes, even if you're anxious, you’re going to be able to sense that you’re being anxious).

If it’s negative, and more of a warning sign, you’re going to feel a density in your stomach, one that might be associated with nausea or just an overall heaviness around your body. Again, anxiety can cause nausea as well so it’s important to also pay attention to all the circumstances surrounding when this gut feeling comes in.

For example:

The cute guy at the grocery store who is so cute he gives you butterflies, and you feel all blushed and excited - it’s a good sign, you got excited, someone piqued your interest.


The random guy at the bar who is really hot but there’s this nauseating feeling in your stomach that has you feeling like you shouldn’t go up to him. This is a warning sign, there’s something about this guy that your Soul really wants you to avoid.

These feelings might feel similar, but the vibration that comes along with the tingly sensation is either going to feel light (positive) or dense/heavy (negative).

Gut Feelings (in the higher-stomach)

These gut feelings might also come in your upper stomach, as a deep, strong knowing, as if there’s some sort of energetic presence in your gut that is signalling to you some sort of divine information. Often this times feeling will come during a situation when there’s something more than meets the eye. The Divine, or your Soul is trying to remind you of something your Soul sees very clearly that may be illogical, or slightly incomprehensible to you, the human mind.

For example:

You’re taking a multiple choice test and you have no idea what the answer is, but in your stomach you just feel like B is the answer, even though you think logically, it should be A. You follow your gut and put down B, and it turns out, that was the correct answer.

Often, I find this knowing just comes as a strong sense of confidence in simply just feeling that something is either right or wrong, but it’s also possible to experience it as a “gut-drop” which usually comes along with some type of unfortunate news or understanding - something that rocks you.



These are often psychic experiences that people will have before an event occurs. They are most often seen in the mind’s eye (inside the mind) rather than externally with your eyes.

Your intuition will often speak to your through this means when they want to give you a glimpse of a future event or you need to visually solve a problem. For some people, they can intuitively see the paths and routes they need to take to get to a location in a city they’ve never been before.

This can also come as seeing an answer you’ve been searching for, literally spelled out in the mind.

Clear-seeing will also be present when there is a higher truth your Soul desires to show you. You will be able to sense when someone is being untruthful, if there’s more to a given story, or fact, or teaching, and in this experience you might even receive the truth of the matter through claircognizance (see below).



This intuitive communication method is, to me personally, one of the most interesting. It’s when your Soul uses the environment around you, including other people’s conversations, media and music to convey messages to you.

You might experience clear-hearing when you’re walking down the street wondering if you should take that new job that was offered to you; and while you have that thought you walk by two people talking and one of them loudly exclaims YES! This is your Soul nudging you, using the environment around you to help receive their guidance.

My favourite way to experience clear-hearing is most definitely through music. There are countless times I have been writing, or channeling for a client and a song has come on that validates what I’ve just received in my mind, sometimes even in the exact moment that I write out or speak the thought, the lyrics are detailed exactly to what came through.

Clear-hearing is also used when people are giving advice, you might hear the same advice several times, but that one time you hear it from someone specific, it feels different -  like something inside of you clicks this time. It is because your human mind is in alignment to understand what your Soul has been saying repeatedly to you through other people - you have become ready to receive the message.

This intuitive communication method will also provide you deeper understanding the words people are saying simply by their inflexions and tone of voice, as well as their body language. If you’ve ever been texting someone and sensed their energy shift and their words coming across differently, you’ve already intuited through a combination of clear-hearing and clear-feeling.



Arguably the hardest clair to logically justify, or even begin explaining to others, is claircognizance. It is simply the clear knowing of any given situation, person, or piece of information.

This has been my dominant clair since before I could even form words, and because it is so complex I’m going to use my own childhood example to explain how clear-knowing might come through:

When I was nearly 3-years-old I was at my babysitters, and I was standing in front of the door that led to the back yard. If you were to come in from the outside from this door, to the right you’d immediately see the stairs that went to the basement of the house. I remember standing in front of the door, and in complete and coherent sentences, I heard a voice in my mind say “I probably shouldn’t stand here, I might get hurt if someone comes through the door.” This sentence, first of all, was not something my toddler-mind could even conceptualize nor could it formulate it in the speed that it had come through. It gets weirder, the moment the phrase ended in my mind, one of the parents opened the door and it flung me down the stairs. I remember tumbling and I also remember being mid tumble halfway down the stairs thinking (from my Souls perspective) “ouch this really hurts the body.”

This entire experience was an intuitive moment that, although uncommon and unheard of, was a common experience for me, experiencing my higher self (and what I know now as my core self and just who I am).

What I’ve come to understand about this type of intuition is that it comes in quicker than the speed of light. By the time it takes the conscious mind to form one conscious word-thought, the Soul can download an entire concept and paragraph of information to the mind, resulting in a clear knowing.

In terms of common experiences of clear-knowing, I’ve most often seen my clients experience this when they think something right before someone says it, or they think of a song and then it comes on. Clear-knowing can be psychic, predicting something that is about to happen, but it’s also important to note that it can be retro-cognitive, meaning someone can know something about the past that they otherwise (in human terms) shouldn’t have knowledge of. More often than not, the information received through clear-knowing will be things the person “shouldn’t” or “couldn’t” otherwise understand, know or have access to.

Why does intuition come through?

Intuition comes through for many reasons, although most people only seem to recognize it when they’re being warned by something, which is one of the reasons it does.

The Divine, or your Soul is always trying to keep you on the most optimal timeline, and in your highest alignment, and sometimes this means steering you away from a particular person, situation, place, or experience.

But the truth is, your intuition is always speaking to you, you just might not be hearing it. Humans are so concerned with their physical environment, the things they can see, hear and touch with their physical senses. They get caught up on the logical and what makes sense with what they are observing in their physical reality, but often times, intuition is not going to validated the physical experience until much later.

Intuition occurs so that you can begin understand, and see that you are much more deeply connected to the unknown, and unseen forces at work in your life, than the seen and known.

How do you trust your intuition?

Hearing your intuition is one thing, that takes time, quiet and a willingness to develop. Trusting it, is the second and most important part of the Divine equation.

There’s a saying intuitives and mediums say a lot: “trust your intuition before it makes sense.”

Overtime, the known materializes, it doesn’t matter if this known is coming from your Soul or from your ego. It will materialize. Intuitive knowings might take time to show up in the physical, but at some point or another you’re going to understand why you followed your gut with something, or… why you should have.

The only thing that keeps humans in a state of distrust with their intuition is their intangible need to have all the answers so they can have control. Neither of these things will ever be possible. We, as a human species, living in the most dense form available in the entire Galaxy, will never have all the answers. We very well may find a few good ones, or maybe even a lot, it’s all relative. But we will never have all the answers because there are answers to questions in this Universe that the human mind cannot even begin to conceptualize let alone comprehend and apply to their lives. Some are truthfully irrelevant to the human experience as well. We will also never have full control over anything in life. The most we as humans can control is two things:

  1. how we view the material manifestations in our lives

  2. what we subconsciously project to manifest in the material world

The latter, is where control meets intuition, because the same part of the brain that is responsible for everything you physically manifest in your reality, is also where your intuition speaks most loudly: the subconscious mind.

Although intuition and belief systems occupy the subconscious in two different ways, your subconscious beliefs are what create your physical world. If you become conscious of the subconscious you will gain a deeper understanding of your self, and what you continue to create in your life. Thus you will gain control, but not in the sense of controlling what happens in your life, but rather what you consciously create and how you consciously choose to react to the events in your physical life.

Intuition speaks through the subconscious mind as well, it is receiving unconscious information and trying to push it forward to the conscious mind - in essence, it is the part of you that is most deeply connected to your Soul. Relaying this information to you only becomes misinterpreted when your conscious mind tries to apply logic to it or if there are subconscious belief systems that block your ability to trust yourself. Once the ego’s need for logic and the release of limiting subconscious beliefs occur, you will hear and trust your intuition without question, simply knowing that one day, it will make sense. And usually, that day comes sooner than your ego might anticipate, you simply must release the need to know, for it to appear.

Although it is all easier said than done, hearing and trusting your intuition is something that takes devotion. You must fully devote to yourself, to understanding your inner limitations, your negatively-skewed perceptions, and allow for deep inner healing to take place. The more you continue to heal and readjust your thought patterns, to expand your beliefs to become limitless, the more you will hear your intuition and overtime, the more it will make sense.

If you’d like to tap into your intuition by getting to know your higher self, you can download my meditation for this deep inner connection here.

Maddie B.

Founder of Madds Mess Soul Healing


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