Signs You’re Starting Your Spiritual Awakening

In this article: Beginning Signs of a Spiritual Awakening (read time: 8mins)

The beginning of a Spiritual Awakening can feel really chaotic and uncomfortable. I know back in 2018, I didn’t even know I was going through one until it was “over.” Here are 22 signs you’ve begun your Spiritual Awakening. If you want to dive in deeper on this topic you can listen to my podcast episode about it here.

Questioning Society

You’re starting to doubt what you’ve been taught by others and society & the expectations of you. For some, this manifests as not feeling connected to taking a traditional school/career path, for others it’s that their beliefs about how the world operates start to shift, and for some it encompasses many/all areas of life.

Feeling Disconnected

You feel disconnected from your life or your body. Everything feels strange and distant, almost as if you’re living in a fake world. This is what is known in psychology as dissociation and derealization. It can be really challenging because what is happening is you are becoming more aware of your. human experience from a Soul’s perspective and there’s a grounding or integration process that needs to occur throughout your awakening for this to dissipate. (Disclaimer: please seek medical attention if symptoms persist or seem unmanageable/life-threatening).

Déjà Vu

You’re experiencing a lot of déjà vu, synchronicities (like angel numbers) and you notice the symbolism in your dreams. Déjà vu is a common phenomenon that usually people experience at least once in their lives. During an awakening, however, it seems to ramp up. Déjà vu is what my Soul has explained to me as “golden nuggets.” It’s like these little milestones your Soul (you) planned out before you came to Earth, and arriving at these milestones is like a checkpoint in conscious awareness that you remember when it happens - that’s why it feels like it’s happened before (it did… when you planned it pre-incarnation).

Questioning the Meaning of Life

You’re beginning to question the meaning of your life or human existence in general. You want to know why we’re in this life, on this random (but not random at all) rock in the middle of space. If this is something you’ve been questioning lately, you might be interested in my masterclass replay on the topic: “Why Are We Human,” which you can purchase here.

Relationship Changes

The dynamics of your relationships are changing. Often this can be the falling away of certain relationships, or a feeling of needing distance from certain people. You may feel like you no longer connect with people in the same way, as your interests are changing and deepening. In other words, surface level conversation and connections feel unbearable.


You’re feeling really sensitive, or feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated, especially around others and in busy environments because your extrasensory perception is increasing. This is normal and can be curbed with frequent meditation or more time alone/in quiet environments.

Heightened Intuition

You feel more connected to your intuition, even if it doesn’t make sense at first. You’re getting more gut feelings, chills as confirmations for things, insightful dreams etc. Welcome these intuitive hits, they’ll make sense when they’re meant to.

Hermit Phase

You want to spend more time a lone (but also might resist this and use over socializing as an avoidance strategy). You’re feeling guided to shut the world out and limit the amount of social noise in your life. This is because you’re becoming a new version of yourself (your higher self) and the only way to do this authentically is to not have feedback or input from the outside world.

You Feel Like Something’s Missing

You feel like there’s more to your life than what you’ve been experiencing. You want to understand why you came to the planet, what your purpose is and how to connect more deeply with your Soul. To gain a deeper understanding on this, consider booking a Soul Contract Reading, available here.

Connecting with or Finding More Like-minded People

You find guides in the collective, or more people who have gone through or are going through their Spiritual Awakenings. They just seem to pop into your path. Use discernment with this - not everyone in the spiritual community has good intentions - trust those gut feelings and know your Soul Tribe will find you.

Body Aches

Your body is in light pain, or feeling achy. This is normal as stagnant energy is moving through your body thanks to your Kundalini energy rising. Take it easy when it comes to strenuous exercise and do movements that feel good. Stretching and daily yoga are incredibly helpful to help release this stagnant energy. Check out my favourite yogi here.

High Anxiety

Your anxiety is heightened as a result of a big life-changing process that can feel scary or overwhelming. You might be the only person you know going through this process, although thankfully, an awakening is quite common now that you’ll be able to connect with people who have gone through it as well. Know that your life is your own to live and it doesn’t matter what people think of your process to becoming the best version of you. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone, you have nothing to apologize for. If you’re looking for like-minded people, you can check out my podcast here and my instagram community here.

New Habits

You find it easier to change your habits because you know nothing will change if you don’t change. To get started on this, make a list of three things you want to improve in your life. Then reflect on how the future version of you has gone about making those changes. Start small, and be consistent. That’s what makes big change over time.

Ascension Flu

You experience cold-like symptoms that may or may not develop into a full blown illness. This can come along with heart palpitations, headache, stuffed nose, light cough and even a fever. The difference with this and a regular cold is you can psychically sense it coming on and it is usually accompanied with the emotional release of past wounds or limiting belief systems.

Dietary Changes

You have food aversions/cravings. Most commonly, this usually presents as feeling turned-off by animal products, although this isn’t usually a permanent shift. High intake of fruits and vegetables is extremely helpful as they are light foods. Above all else, eat a balanced diet and feel free to give into some of those cravings.

Letting Go

You’re willing to let go of all that doesn’t serve you not matter how painful it is (and boy it is painful). This may involve certain relationships, jobs, habits, behaviours and even belief systems. You might also feel inclined to do a major purge/cleansing of your physical environment - think spring cleaning.

Change in Your Relationship with Death

You’ve stopped fearing death because you know there’s more to life than this experience. You feel more connected to the Spirit Realm and although you aren’t ready to leave this life, you know that the inevitable finality of it will be peaceful. To learn more about what happens when we die, you can listen to my podcast episode on it here.

Global Perception Changes

Your world view has completed shifted. You have a deeper understanding to the inner workings of the systems (both helpful and unhelpful) on that planet. You understand that not everything is as it seems and you’re beginning to understand your power to create your own reality.

Change in Energy Levels

Your energy levels are changing and so is your sleep schedule (it’s common to be really tired at the beginning of an awakening). You may feel like staying up later and sleeping more in the day, or like you just need more sleep overall. Your body is changing on a genetic and cellular level - get rest and let it happen.

Releasing Toxicity

An aversion to negative people or toxic environments. Not to be confused with not wanting to feel negative emotions - all emotions are part of the human experience. This is more related to people, relationships, or experiences that are inherently toxic or abusive. You’ll find yourself being naturally guided away from these experiences because being alone is better than being around the wrong people.


You stop trying to change people, situations and experiences and accept them as they are. You recognize that you can only change yourself and your own life and you stop trying to get control over things that you’ll never have control over. You find a sense of inner peace with this and trusting that the Universe has your back and is guiding you toward your ultimately fulfillment.


You let the Universe guide you, your own intuition and internal compass and you’ve stopped looking for external approval on how to best live your life.

And there you have it - 22 signs your Spiritual Awakening has begun! If you’re looking for 1:1 support during your Spiritual Awakening, check out my coaching programs here. If you’d like to learn more about spiritual knowledge, how to tap into your intuition and reconnect with your Soul, you can listen to my podcast here.

Maddie B.

Founder of Madds Mess Soul Healing


The Journey to MaddsMess


How to Hear & Trust Your Intuition