Manifesting on 8/8 (the Lion’s Gate Portal)

The Lion’s Gate portal is a powerful energetic alignment between Earth and the higher-dimensional planet, Sirius A, who at this time sends light codes to the Earth to activate higher levels of consciousness within the collective.

This energetic gateway has been a focus in many cultures and ancient civilizations that date all the way back to the age of Mesopotamia. Every year, spiritualists around the world use the time period of the Lion’s Gate, July 26th-August 12th, to manifest their desires — and from what we can tell from the collective, the results of these manifestations are POWERFUL. (Learn more about the Lion’s Gate Portal history here).

Here are 4 ways to manifest with this energy and call in the life of your dreams:

Quantum Leaping

Whether you're new to meditation or, have been in the practice for a decade, transcendental meditation can be one of the most fun ways to create your reality. The meditation I'm recommending to you for this energetic gateway is one by the infamous Dr. Joe Dispenza; doctor of neuroscience, and author of several NYTimes best sellers for his work in merging spirituality, neuroscience and quantum physics. The meditation I recommend is "Tuning into new potentials" — it's a quantum leap meditation that will have you selecting your dream life reality and matching your frequency to receive it.

How it works: by visualizing the life you desire and selecting it in the quantum field, you bring yourself UP to that reality and begin living in it, in real time. Every action you take thereafter needs to be in alignment with the version of yourself in this higher timeline so you can continue anchoring it into the physical, in real (linear) time.

Letter from Your Future Self

Write a letter from your future self to your past (current) self. Have them share all the details about the beautiful dream life you successfully manifested. What is your life like in that reality? What kind of freedom do you experience? What are your days like? Where do you live? Above all else, what's making you the happiest? Write it all out, and sign it with your full name afterward. Do not date this letter.

How it works: writing is taking an idea (a 5th dimensional construct) and anchoring it in the 3rd dimension (this world). This is why it's so affective — you're literally taking it from the higher dimensions and bringing it into your physical world. This method is also known as scripting, and can be assisted with the use of binaural hz frequencies, which you can get my catalog of entirely free here. I’d recommend either 852hz, 963hz, or 777hz of your manifestation letter.

Tap into a New Passion

Create something new, a painting, a dance, a song, or doing a new activity that is aligned to your future lifestyle/dream life reality. The key here is to get passionate. If you're creating a piece of art, create it from the perspective of living with every desire you've ever wanted having manifested for you. If you’re dancing, feel the freedom of your body’s movement and autonomy. If you’re doing something for the first time, feel the exhilaration and excitement of stepping out of your comfort zone.

How it works: The Lion’s Gate Portal occurs during Leo season (the sign of the lion) and getting creative is the language Leo speaks; passion is how the Soul speaks. Merge the two and you have the perfect recipe for manifestation.

Drink Your Reality

Fill a clean glass with fresh new water. Speak your desires in an affirmation style to the water, then take a sip.

For example: if you are manifesting more financial abundance you could do the following "I am so thankful for the new job I have. I love the role and they are paying me my worth." *sip your water* Continue this with as many affirmations as it takes to finish the glass of water.

How this works: water has consciousness, (technically everything does) but since water is a natural purifying agent and 70% of our biological makeup, when you speak to it out loud you change its vibration and it changes the state of the water within your body. In this case you'll literally be drinking the beliefs and results of your manifestations and encoding them into your genetics & energy field, which will attract them to you.

If these techniques seem a little too woo-woo for you, or even if you like them and you’re wanting to also dive into the full neural rewiring required to change your ENTIRE life, check out A Happy Human™, the course designed to help you become the happiest, healthiest, dreamiest version of you in just 9-weeks! Bonus: SAVE $180 with code LION8 until August 10th, 2023. Snag the deal here.

Looking for something free? Check out my free workshop here, when you sign up for my newsletter.

Maddie B.

Founder of Madds Mess Soul Healing


The Journey to MaddsMess